Healthy Foods Glossary

Healthy Foods Glossary

Here you can find information and nutritional data about some of the healthy foods : vegetables, fruits, dairy, spices and herbs. 


  • Large Mangoes

    In addition to sumptuous tropical flavor, mangos deliver a host of nutrients and make healthy eating a delightful sensory experience. The Dietary Guidelines recommend that healthy adults consume 5 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables every day (based on a daily consumption of 1,200 to 3,200 total calories). That’s where mangos come in! The versatile mango is available year round and adds delicious flavor to a balanced diet.

    Click here for nutritional information about Mangoes. Large Mangoes
  • Lemons

    The health benefits of lemon include treatment of throat infections, indigestion, constipation, dental problems, fever, internal bleeding, rheumatism, burns, obesity, respiratory disorders, cholera and high blood pressure, while it also benefits your hair and skin. Known for its therapeutic property since generations, lemons help to strengthen your immune system, cleanse your stomach, and it is considered a blood purifier. Lemon juice, especially, has several health benefits associated with it. It is well known as a useful treatment for kidney stones, reducing strokes and lowering body temperature. As a refreshing drink, lemonade helps you to stay calm and cool.

    Click here for nutritional information about Lemons. Lemons
  • Lentils

    Lentils are a high-protein, high-fiber member of the legume family. Like a mini version of a bean, lentils grow in pods and come in red, brown, black, and green varieties. They are relatively quick and easy to prepare compared with dried beans, and their low cost makes them an accessible form of high-quality protein for many people around the world. Lentils are an excellent source of molybdenum and folate. They are a very good source of dietary fiber, copper, phosphorus and manganese. Additionally they are a good source of iron, protein, vitamin B1, pantothenic acid, zinc, potassium and vitamin B6.

    Click here for nutritional information about Lentils



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