Self-Enquiry is just Debugging the Mind To Know The Self Many of you, especially Software Engineers, must be familiar with the term Debugging. Debugging is the process of identifying and removing errors from computer hardware or software. When a computer program is developed, sometimes there can be errors in them. They are usually called Bugs. […]
Posts in category Practical Wisdom
Meditation helps to gain focus and ha...
Meditation helps to gain focus and happiness When there are less disturbing thoughts, it means the mind is relatively quiet. Even when a worldly desire is fulfilled, actually the mind gets quiet because of the satisfaction, and this we call happiness. Therefore, quietness of mind alone is called happiness. To consciously make the effort within […]
Wisdom Quotes Set 2
Wisdom Quotes Set 2 People automatically felt deep peace when they were in Ramana Maharshi’s presence because He abided in peace. His words convey the same peace to those who contemplate on them and practice them even a little. They offer immense help for worldly life as well as for improvement in the spiritual inner quest. […]
Wisdom Quotes Set 1
Wisdom Quotes Set 1 Ramana Maharshi offered his wisdom when people with enquiring minds and earnest longing for lasting peace and happiness sought His guidance. Here are some pearls of wisdom. They offer immense help for worldly life as well as for improvement in the spiritual inner quest. Slide Show : 10 slides, 10 seconds […]
How to Meditate
How to Meditate? What is Meditation? Please read my article “What is Meditation”. How to Meditate? Now it is time to start practicing Meditation. Just the basics are provided here. Meditation is basically just expulsion of thoughts. It is a process of concentrating on one good thought thereby eliminating or rather keeping away from the plethora […]
What is Meditation 101
What is Meditation 101 This is basic information for people who would like to know what Meditation is all about, or refresh their minds with such information. What is Meditation? Meditation is basically just expulsion of thoughts. It is a process of concentrating on one good thought thereby eliminating or rather keeping away from the […]