Car and Driver Body is the Car. Mind is the Driver. It is not enough if you just take care of the Car and ignore the wellness of the Driver. In fact, if the Driver has problems, sometimes it affects the driving of the car too, and causes damage to both of them. Similarly, attending […]
Posts in category Self Improvement Ideas
Let children grow as confident indivi...
Let children grow as confident individuals Sometimes we get disappointed with our children because we want them to be like us – active, worldly, spiritual or something else. On the other hand, we will always be happy about them, if we realize that while we can help them grow up healthy, physically and mentally, we […]
Meditation helps to gain focus and ha...
Meditation helps to gain focus and happiness When there are less disturbing thoughts, it means the mind is relatively quiet. Even when a worldly desire is fulfilled, actually the mind gets quiet because of the satisfaction, and this we call happiness. Therefore, quietness of mind alone is called happiness. To consciously make the effort within […]
Confidence Vs. Arrogance
Confidence Vs. Arrogance There is a fine line between Confidence and Arrogance. People are confident when they believe in themselves and their talents and know that they are good enough for what they want to do, and they act positively for their betterment. People are arrogant when they think that they are the only […]