Break up with someone gently; it is better for you If you decide to break up with someone, break up gently. No matter how angry you are, no matter what reasons you may have to be bitter and resentful, don’t spill your venom on them. Because, there is a chance that you may […]
Posts in category Motivation
This Attitude can ruin your Worldly a...
This Attitude can ruin your Spiritual Progress and your Worldly Progress too “Holier than thou” Attitude “Holier than thou” Attitude is the worst obstacle for spiritual improvement as well as worldly happiness. The Great Sage Sri Ram Tirtha proclaimed, ‘Wanted reformers – but reformers who will reform themselves first.’ Jesus Christ said “He that […]
Holier than thou Attitude
Holier than thou Attitude “Holier than thou” attitude is the worst obstacle for worldly happiness as well as spiritual improvement. The Great Sage Sri Ram Tirtha proclaimed, ‘Wanted reformers – but reformers who will reform themselves first.’ Jesus Christ said “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.”
Image Is Everything??? No!! Mental Ou...
Image Is Everything??? No!! Mental Outlook Is Everything. There is a popular saying, which is “Image is everything.” What it means is that the way one looks or presents oneself is the key to success in life. This may be true to some extent in a shallow, superficial manner. But for real success and […]
Rejection is God’s Protection
Rejection is God’s Protection When someone breaks your heart in a relationship, understand that it is God’s way of protecting you from a bigger tragedy in this relationship. Rejection can be a blessing in disguise. I know it is easier said than done. I am not saying it is easy. But I ask you, was […]
How to change the mind from confusion...
How to change the mind from confusion to clarity Here is one way of positive thinking and living calmly and efficiently. Change the quality of your mind…question what it tells you… When someone tells us, “you are no good”, or something negative about us, we don’t accept their statement right away. We […]