One definite way to be happy

One definite way to be happy
A definite way to be happy in Life is this: Don’t complain! Don’t constantly look at the wrong things in life and complain.
If you look at the full half of the cup, you at least get something. But if you look at the empty half of the cup, you get nothing!
Life is the same way. Let’s look at the good things we have and be content. Let’s not complain about things we don’t have and be unhappy.
Let’s face it! Life is not perfect. It is not meant to be and it will never be perfect.
So, in such an imperfect life, we have two options.
One, we can look at the bright side and be happy, or we can look at the bleak side and be unhappy.
What does this mean realistically?
What does it mean to look at the “bright” side and be happy? We can count our blessings. We can look at all the positive, good things we have in our life. We can look at the good qualities and talents we have. We can recognize the nice and kind people we know and are around us. We can look around and see the unfortunate state of some other people and realize how lucky we are. In other words, we can look at the full part of the cup and be contented and peaceful.
What does it mean to look at the “bleak” side and be unhappy? We can look at all the negative things in our life. We can see the bad qualities and defects in ourselves, and look down upon ourselves. We can wallow in self-pity and moan about our bad destiny. We can constantly complain about everything, and keep asking, “Why me!!” We can see only the faults in everyone around us, and the unpleasant things that happen to us. In other words, we can look at the empty part of the cup and be agitated and restless.
You see, in life, there will always be someone better and someone worse than us. We should not compare ourselves with anyone, good or bad. We should look at ourselves, our life and its events, only from the perspective of our capabilities, our situations, and our talents. If others are rich, famous or achieve things, so what? What does that have to do with us?
The only things we should focus on is this : how can I improve the quality of my life, make it better and happier? We should be confident that we are good and adequate. Yeah, sure enough life is not fun sometimes, some bad things do happen to dampen our spirits, everything seems to go wrong and so on and so forth.
But we can rise above these situations and overcome the unpleasant feelings. It all depends on our attitude. I cannot emphasize enough, “Right Attitude” is everything. And what is the right attitude? To enjoy and be happy when good things happen, and tackle the bad things the best way we can and move on.
We should live like children. Children are interested in the events only as they happen. After that, they forget about it. If we gradually learn to live that way, and not cling to happenings, but let them pass, then we will always feel fresh in our minds and happy.
If you look at the full half of the cup, you at least get something. But if you look at the empty half of the cup, you get nothing!
Life is the same way. Let’s look at the good things we have and be content. Let’s not complain about things we don’t have and be unhappy.