Holier than thou Attitude “Holier than thou” attitude is the worst obstacle for worldly happiness as well as spiritual improvement. The Great Sage Sri Ram Tirtha proclaimed, ‘Wanted reformers – but reformers who will reform themselves first.’ Jesus Christ said “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.”
Posts in category Motivation Ideas
Courage will make you feel great
Courage will make you feel great Believe me…with Courage you can face the world and its problems efficiently. But also life will be much more fun. Standing up to difficult situations, bullies and wicked people is not easy, but when you do it once, you will know how great and strong it makes you feel. […]
Rushing and planning too much
Rushing and planning too much Rushing and planning too much for everything makes us restless and agitated. What happens does not change because of our furious thinking. Instead, make the right effort with the right attitude. And then let things happen, knowing that the results are beyond our control. You will be a […]